A refund is really just money that a merchant (in this case, a subscription vendor) sends you.  But the underlying reasons for that refund can vary because:

  • Refunds are not related to any particular past transaction as far as AppBind knows. (We don’t know if they are reversing last month’s charge, the month before, one from a year ago, or a combination thereof.)
  • Refunds can be for partial amounts.

When we see a refund on a subscription that you are managing, we will credit your balance and any customer’s balances with the refund. The refund will be split by the proportion of management fees or discount you have added to the subscription.


  • If you have a $100 refund for a subscription that you have marked up 25% to your customer, we will credit your customer’s balance $100 and, if possible, transfer $25 from your balance to the customer’s balance to refund the management fee.

  • If you have a $100 refund for a subscription that you have discounted 10% to your customer, we will credit your customer’s balance $90 and credit your balance $10.

  • If you have earned commissions from a vendor that are managed by AppBind, we will also refund the vendor their commissions. (For instance, if you earned a 25% commission on the $100, or $25, we will transfer $25 from your balance back to the vendor if possible.)

If your balance has insufficient funds, we will record a liability against your balance (an IOU). Once there are sufficient funds, we will clear the liability.


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